United for Action
The Independent Film Alliance Chicago steadfastly supports our community, our city, and our world against the brutal treatment of Black Americans and people of color. For all those who are mourning, in pain and feeling oppressed, we see you. We hear you. We stand with you. We will fight along with you.
IFA Chicago remains, more than ever, committed to our mission of building a diverse and sustainable industry of independent content creators.
We will continue to support and uplift diverse creatives and marginalized voices by developing resources to ensure that they are empowered to share their narratives.
We implore all to stand in solidarity with communities of color and advocate for racial equality. To acknowledge institutional barriers in our industry and create ways to break those inequities. To unite together, holding each other accountable with education and action.
As a new organization, we vow to be the generational change. The time is now and you and your stories are the catalysts. We’ve compiled some resources and organizations below to consider supporting. If you have not yet, please take direct action to support Black Americans and minority storytellers.
Funds and Organizations
Support Orgs That Support Black Artists and Artists of Color
Resources and Tools
Self-Care Resources